Thursday, October 30, 2014

Two summers ago I was stung by a jellyfish. I was on a vacation trip with my family at a beach in North Carolina. We all would go to the pool, which in my mind was a bit counterintuitive considering where at a beach. My cousin and I where bored and decided to go to the beach and throw a ball. We got into the water about chest deep. After a while I notice something crossing in front of me. Then I realized that it was a jellyfish and ran out to the shore. I was stung pretty bad across my chest. It felt like being hit with a switch about a hundred times in the same spot. I found my family and I trying to show off I showed off my stings. My mother and grandmother both freaked out trying to ask if I was okay. My cousin also joked about him helping me by peeing on my chest. I found a lifeguard who told me I could either pee on it or use some vinegar to help tame the sting. My cousin found this hilarious considering id either get peed on or smell like a salad. I got the dressing and smothered myself in it. The pain went away after about an hour. The burn went away in about a week.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

At the end of the story “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” the old waiter heads to a bar and concludes that he has insomnia. The old waiter has gone through the entire story being the more understanding character in the story. The younger waiter wasn’t as understanding about the old man because he was too young to figure out what he was going through. The older waiter was happy to have the old man stay until closing because it was a more public place that he could stay and be. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Paul’s moment of denial that I captured is him on a day coach on his way to Jersey. He was ashamed of himself and how dirty he looked. He could have been able to clean himself easily with his money he stole, but he decided to stay grimy and uncomfortable.  He was subconscious of his own appearance and didn't want the other passengers on the coach to judge him and his filth. “Paul ha slept very little, and had felt grimy and uncomfortable.” Paul’s case, pg. 273.

Elisa had a moment of denial during the end of the story when she passed the chrysanthemums on the road. She didn't want to see them because she knew that the tinker threw them out and kept the pot. She still looked but she avoided looking at the tinker’s wagon. She tried to deny herself from the knowledge of the tinker disregarding the flowers which represented to her that he didn't respect her. “Far ahead on the road Elisa saw a dark speck. She knew.” The Chrysanthemums, pg. 358.

Colonel Sartoris didn't tell on his father when he was in court. He denied himself from the fact that he wanted to do the right thing but he also didn't want to harm his family. He was subconscious about the fact that his father did burn down the barn and that he knew that he did, but he didn't say anything about it which gave him grief.”… the voices coming to him again through the smell of cheese and sealed meat, the fear and despair and the old grief of blood” Barn Burning, pg. 328.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

            Both of the main characters want to run away from reality. In the story “Paul’s Case” Paul wants to run away from the life he is living. In “The Chrysanthemums” Elisa wants to start a new life style.

            Paul runs away from his home in Pittsburgh to go to New York, he is successful in this case, but it is short lived because he commits suicide once he learns that his father is coming to get him. He wanted to get away from all the people in Pittsburgh so he could experience a more wealthy way of living, he stole one thousand dollars so he could fund this trip. Elisa doesn't really run away physically but more mentally. She tries asking the tinker what life would be like for a women doing his job. She is told that it wouldn't be as for filling as she would think. This is her way of running away just in her head. The author of “Paul’s Case” wants Paul’s running away to show that he is running away from his problems to try the lifestyle that he always wanted. This is similar to “The Chrysanthemums” because Elisa want to see what another lifestyle would be like for her.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


                The narrator has some obvious problems from the beginning. It is established that she is sick mentally and physically. She becomes healthier after a while but she also slowly loses it in the process. She has a problem with the wall paper in her room. She begins dreading the paper but by the end she likes to experience the changes it has. She locks herself in the room with the wall paper and starts to peal it off the walls. When she does this she is helping the women that she sees inside the wall and because she lets the women out she also releases herself.